one year of approvals

A question I've been asked more and more frequently: Are these available in prints? Where can I get one? 

I can now let you in on a little secret — development has started. Things I Approve began almost a year ago, with the current tally at 40 approvals. I had envelopes leftover from Notes For Friends, which saw me draw 45 original mini artworks and poems for people all over Australia + internationally. 

The takeaway from Notes For Friends: connecting, sharing thoughts and relating. I began to write all sorts of things on the leftover envelopes. Shopping lists, mini artworks, to-do lists. 

I began to reminisce about the intention of sending a letter. An act that has been phased out in the last 10 or so years. I enjoy the feeling of receiving something you aren't expecting. Writing a letter is honest, straight to the point, and thought out. Nowadays, we send texts in the blink of an eye. (I know I'm guilty of this!)

Much of our lives have become so planned, thought out, and predictable. 

Writing on envelopes became a way of sending a message to myself. Especially since virtually everyone has been affected by a few years of drastic change. 

I began to note down experiences and natural thoughts. I guess the intention was to bring awareness to everyday occurrences that pass us by, probably without much perspective. 

Things I Approve #1, Buy Your Own Fkn Flowers For Once introduced me to a tradition I will continue for many years to come. As I prepared for one of my first exhibitions, I bought myself sunflowers. An act of adoration and well wishes. I thought, why only receive flowers from another when you can be the gift giver?

Things I Approve #3, Tell A Stranger Too Much Information - an occurrence too many of us experience. I had only just come to the Sunshine Coast when I awkwardly told a stranger in an art workshop detailed consequences of eating dairy...

Things I Approve #4, Pick Up Broken Shells Too because the not-so-perfect pieces are often better than the perfect shells. A message which can apply to many aspects, experiences, and relationships in our lives.

Things I Approve #10, Swim In The Ocean And Wash The Day Away. Another ritual I began to experience. No matter what sort of day I had, as soon as my head went under the water, anxieties melted away. This strengthened my adoration for the ocean and interest in understanding the considerable benefits it holds for our mental and physical well-being.

Things I Approve #21, Befriend The Bush Turkeys. Strange to the eye, but shared in the performance of life's natural cycle. Male turkeys gather leaves and stick to make a nest for their babies. They use their long necks to check the temperature of the nest, ensuring survival. When I see woodchips along my front path, I don't curse them for tearing up the front garden.

I focus on observations, wonderings and sensations. 

I ponder... a lot. 

I make mental notes in my head about conversations with loved ones and strangers. I hold onto emotions to try and comprehend myself. I sit in nature for clarity, pursuits and answers.

Without going into all 40 Approvals, each has an individual story and reflection. 

Things I Approve has become much more significant than I expected. 

Each draws on the simplicity of life and reminds us to slow down and be grateful for all things in life, big or small, laughable or introspective. 

It has bought basic human connection and shared parallels to the forefront. 

I'm looking forward to bringing this project to life. It may start as a reminder for some, and soon be a lasting routine embraced into their life.


sundown sentiments public art mural


paint exhibition image gallery